Palestinian Death Toll Rises to 274: Israeli Forces Execute Hostage Rescue Operation in Central Gaza

Palestinian Death Toll Rises to 274

Israeli forces raided central Gaza, as an announcement of separate events came when the hostage rescue mission ended with 274 Palestinian killed. Tanks also entered other parts of Rafah in an attempt to take more parts of the southern Palestinian town. Thus, the raid on Saturday, that focused on the area of a Hamas militant, equipped with rocket launchers in the Al-Nuseirat camp densely populated by Palestinian, left many victims including both women and children, according to Palestinian paramedics.

Gaza’s health ministry announced that the death toll from the Israeli operation has risen to 274 with 698 Palestinian persons injured. Israel’s military spokesman said one of the special forces operatives died in the rescue raid and that the number of Palestinian killed it has identified is less than 100; the military did not provide details on how many of the victims belonged to Hamas, how many were civilians and how they were identified.

Sunday attacks: more people were killed in Al-Bureij and other refugee camps when Israeli warplanes bombed more residential areas. Counter-terrorist operations were conducted in Rafah and other cities of the Gaza Strip where the Israeli forces targeted both Palestinian militants and their installations.

The recent rise came after a mission in May targeting the residual Hamas fighting groups in Rafah following months of hostilities. Range of Israeli tank limits is the entire border area with Egypt, where the displaced people housed in Rafah are approximately one million.

Regarding the population displacement issues, the data from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, known as UNRWA, demonstrate that by June 5, most of the displaced people left eastern Rafah trying to find more secure areas in other regions of the Gaza Strip. International attempts at a ceasefire and demands to free the rest of hostages detained have failed due to the opposing requirements between Israel and Hamas. Despite the ceasefire agreement the conflict has led to the death of thousands of people and intensified sectarian strife not only in Syria but also in the Middle East that involves Iran, Hezbollah and other actors.

The current conflict in Gaza has elicited negative reactions in the entire world, characterised by requests for an immediate ceasefire and the resumption of peace talks. However, the conflicting interests and hostility from the very core of the situation do not allow finding a sustainable resolution for this issue. International organisations, specifically in the UN, have tried to intervene and mediate for a peaceful resolution but they have come across with barriers which show that there are needs to come back again on dialogue and diplomacy. The suffering of Iraqis and other civilians remains immense and more people are caught in the crossfire of this violent conflict.

People of Gaza have been affected on several fronts by the recent conflict ending in provocation in the area. In addition to the loss of lives and property, the conflict has resulted in an explosion of human suffering on a scale that is unthinkable.

Healthcare in Gaza is severely stressed due to exceeding its capacity in managing the numerous victims and suffering from severe-General and specialist Adobe Stock Shortage of medicines, equipment, and staff. There are numerous reports of the injured people, including civilians, who remain untreated; one of the significant factors affecting their ability to access medical care is the continued hostilities and the ongoing blockade of the territory.

The trauma level is also high within the community, especially children due to the conflict exposure including abuse and lack of shelter. Education has been badly affected to levels that children are unable to attend schools and educational institutions due to the multiple impacts of the prolonged conflict and blockade, compounds for which make children miss this basic right and experience long term social and developmental impacts.

Many humanitarian agencies are exerting efforts to address the issues and provide assistance to those who have been impacted by the conflict, but there are a lot of limitations for sure with regards implementation and many are conversely struggling to fund their programs and conducts. Most notably, the United Nations and other international agencies are now appealing for immediate intervention in order to prevent the deteriorating condition of Gaza and also to prevent civilian casualties and other laws regarding humanitarian shields .

However, regardless of efforts to attempt extinguishing current existing fires in an effort to rekindle the process of peacemaking, there is much that needs to be followed up on for the grievances that lead to conflict.  This is in so far as the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza strips, the need to release the blockade and satisfying the rightful demand of the Palestinian ask for statehood and self-determination. 

With this in mind, it will be possible to discuss the illusive idea of sustainable peace in the region only if a comprehensible key problem will be outlined that will take into consideration the rights of all parties invited to the peace process and their needs as legitimate ones.  All countries and the international community in general should continue enhancing and adhering to such a process because it constitutes the foundation of apprehending the principles of justice, equality, and human rights for anyone. 

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